Ruby 1.9.3 リファレンスマニュアル > ライブラリ一覧 > psych/handlerライブラリ

library psych/handler


Psych::Handler is an abstract base class that defines the events used when dealing with Psych::Parser. Clients who want to use Psych::Parser should implement a class that inherits from Psych::Handler and define events that they can handle.

Psych::Handler defines all events that Psych::Parser can possibly send to event handlers.

See Psych::Parser for more details


Psych::Handler#alias Psych::Handler#empty Psych::Handler#end_document Psych::Handler#end_mapping Psych::Handler#end_sequence Psych::Handler#end_stream Psych::Handler#scalar Psych::Handler#start_document Psych::Handler#start_mapping Psych::Handler#start_sequence Psych::Handler#start_stream Psych::Handler#streaming?

library psych/handler